
Just random stuff

This is just random stuff.

2+2= elite
FOR SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1000 kills + 2000 kills= not enough kills
1 double kill, 2 triple kills, 3 overkills, 4 killtackulars, 5 killtrocitys, 6 killimanjaroes, 7 killtastrophes, 8 killpocalypses, 9 killionaires
potato themed controller
teletubbies gone halo


Take a break

Sorry guys, I have to take a break from H3:(. Some things have come up, and i have to take a break.

See you later, TonicSlayer2595



Today I was playing alpha zombie on Jenga tower. I was on the top of the tower and hid behind a barrier. I was the last man standing and got a lot of kills as a zombie.



Hi my name is Tonic2595 and I created this blog. I have a broken arm right now and so my reaction time is slow. This is mainly going to be a Halo blog but other subjects may be discussed. For example, if you would like to relive some of your greatest moments, just visit to get rid of or gain some excitement.